Bourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan

Have your say on how our parish should be planned

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation
18th November to 15th December 2023

We are now seeking views on:

What are the defining visual characteristics of Bourne town, Cawthorpe, Dyke and Twenty? Which open spaces within the settlements should be protected from development? Which unlisted buildings and features are of local importance for their heritage value?

Have your say!
Help shape the future of our Parish

  • What are the defining visual characteristics of Bourne town, Cawthorpe, Dyke and Twenty?

  • Which open spaces within the settlements should be protected from development?

  • Which unlisted buildings and features are of local importance for their heritage value?

Your comments on three draft documents are being sought by the Steering Group responsible for preparing the Bourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan (‘the Plan’) on behalf of Bourne Town Council. The documents will help to shape planning policies to be included in the Plan which will be used to determine planning applications in our parish.


Venues Dates and Times

If you are unable to access the documents online, paper copies will be available to view at the exhibitions to be held at the following venues and times:

  • Saturday 18th November – Bourne Corn Exchange @ 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm
  • Wednesday 22nd November – Dyke Village Hall @ – 8.00 pm
  • Saturday 25th November – Elsea Park Pavilion @ 10.00 am – 3.00 pm.
  • Wednesday 29th November -Bourne Corn Exchange @ 3.00 pm – 8.00 pm
  • Saturday 2nd December -Christmas Lights Switch On @ 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Online Survey

You can let us know your views by completing the online survey on or before 15th December using the link below.


Character Assessment

View Character Assessment

This provides a summary of the defining visual characteristics of the villages and areas of the town, including both positive and negative elements. The Assessment can help decide how future development might affect the character of an area and can assist in identifying opportunities to reinforce positive characteristics and mitigate any negative elements. It will inform policy to be set out in the Plan to support new development which contributes positively to the character of an area.

Local (non-designated) Heritage Assets

View Local Heritage Assets

This includes a list of sixty-nine buildings, structures and features which have local heritage significance but are not of sufficient merit to warrant designation as ‘Listed Buildings’, for example. The paper outlines the criteria used to assess each asset on a consistent basis and identifies the specific criteria which justify its inclusion on the list. Policy to be included in the Plan will support planning applications which recognise the historic importance of these assets.

Green Infrastructure

View Green Infrastructure

This maps the location of open space within Bourne town and the villages. It also identifies existing green infrastructure corridors within the town and key waterways within the parish. It assesses the qualities of each open space to articulate its importance to the local community. Policy to be included in the Plan will support the protection of these assets and seek opportunities, where possible, to improve their quality and extend the green infrastructure network.

We would welcome comments on the accuracy of the documents. You can also tell us, for example, about any important characteristics, buildings or open space within the town or villages that have not been included.

What We Do

Find out more about what the BPNP do

Get In Touch

Contact us for any further information

Join The Steering Group

We urgently need more volunteers to join the Steering Group and help to speed up the process of preparing the BPNP. To find out more, please contact the Town Clerk in the first instance.

Supported By Bourne Town Council


Bourne Town Council
SK Community Point
3 Abbey Rd
PE10 9EF